Chapter 2

Structural Patterns

Patterns we use for various things

Subsections of Structural Patterns

Previous Versions

This is a pattern for managing previous versions of a page. It uses a branch bundle combined with a hidden folder and the children shortcode.

This page would be the current version of the page.

Click this link to access the Previous Versions

Subsections of Previous Versions

Previous Versions

This is a hidden branch bundle due to the hidden = true in the frontmatter. It hides these pages from the front menu, but they are otherwise accessible. Below, we use the children shortcode to list all of the contents of this branch bundle.

Previous Versions of this page:

Subsections of Previous Versions

Old Version 1

This is an older version of the page.

Video Content

This is a pattern for managing video content related to a page. It uses a branch bundle combined with a hidden folder.

This page would be the content of the page itself, complete with the YouTube embed.

Click this link to access the Video Materials

Subsections of Video Content

Video Script

This is a hidden branch bundle due to the hidden = true in the frontmatter. It hides these pages from the front menu, but they are otherwise accessible. It would contain the script for the video, and a link to the slides. We typically use a link tag to open in a new windows.


Subsections of Video Script